School Supplies
Once again, we would like to extend an invitation for you to purchase your school supplies in advance directly from Teacher’s File; a British Columbia-owned and operated company for the past 20 years.
Quick, easy, and very convenient, as once ordered Teacher’s File will ship your order directly to the school with your child’s name attached. Supplies will then be directed to your child’s next year’s classroom.
No shopping lines, no hassle and save money!
Teacher’s File will also give Dormick Park 10% back from all school supply orders to put toward fundraising fun events for our students.
Please click on the link in the letter (e-mailed home or at the bottom of this message) to view the supply list and order your child's supplies. Be sure to choose Dormick Park as the school and the grade your child will be in for next year. You can leave the name of the teacher blank. If you choose not to purchase with Teacher’s File, be sure to purchase the supplies the teachers have noted on the supply list.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the office at Dormick or Teacher's File at 1-800-917-0009 or email tfile@shaw.ca.
Please order your child’s school supplies online at
Order before July 31st and you will not be
charged a late fee of $5 to cover extra shipping charges. Orders received
after this date will be available only while supplies last!
Can’t remember if you placed your order? Visit the online checker on The Teacher’s File
website after Aug. 1st.