Registration Process
1. Use our School Locator to determine where your neighbourhood school is located.
2. Download and complete AP 336 + forms - Student Registration & Catchment Areas (PDF's at the bottom of the page).
3. Contact your neighbourhood school directly to complete the registration process.
Documents for Registering
Proof of age of the child by birth certificate is required for all new student registrations (schools will make a photo copy). To ensure the child being registered qualifies for Ministry of Education funding, the biological parents/legal guardians’ status and the biological parents/legal guardians’ residency need to be established. Schools may register the child providing the following are established:
1. At least one biological parent/legal guardian is a Canadian Citizen by birth or naturalized (obtained citizenship) and they can support this with the following pieces of identification:
• Parent’s Canadian Citizenship Card;
• Parent’s Canadian Birth Certificate
• Parent’s Canadian Passport.
2. The biological parent/legal guardian must provide proof of residency, and provide ONE of the following:
• Utility bill
• Mortgage document
• Property Sale Agreement
• Property Tax Notice/Assessment
• Rental or Lease Agreement
3. In addition ONE of the following three documents containing the name and address of the parent/guardian is required:
• Bank statement
• Credit card statement
• Government document (eg. MSP bill)
4. Notification if the child has attended school in the Abbotsford School District in the past OR is coming from another school district OR if there is a sibling who has already been attending school in the school district.
You will also need to provide your child's birth certificate or passport and proof of address, and other required documents as determined by the school.
Not a Canadian Citizen?
• If one parent is a Canadian Citizen, the student may register at the school
• If one or both parents are Permanent Residents or Landed Immigrants, there are 3 scenarios:
1. If the parent is Canadian Citizen -register at the school
2. If the parent became a Permanent Resident before July 31st, 2016 -register at the school.
3. If the parent became a Permanent Resident, after August 1st, 2016 -please contact Luella Johnsen (604) 852-2366 ext.1203 or by email to set up an appointment.
* If one or both parents are Temporary Residents (Work Permit/Study Permit/Visitor Permit) -make an appointment at the School Board Office with Luella Johnsen (even if the child is a Canadian Citizen).
Registration Dates
There are no set deadlines for enrolling your child in any one of the District's schools, although please note the following:
• New to the district? Registration for grades 1-12 commences February 1st (or, if Feb.1 falls on a weekend, the first business day following).
• New to the district during the school year? Please stop by the school in your neighbourhood catchment area at any time during the school day to register.
• Enrolling your child in Kindergarten? Kindergarten registration takes place every January, for the upcoming school year that will be starting in September. Your child must turn 5 years of age between January 1 and December 31 of the upcoming school year you want to enrol them in. Learn more about our Kindergarten Registration.
More Questions?
Contact the Principal of the school in your catchment area, your school of interest or the School District office. We will be pleased to assist you in registering your child in the school that is best for their learning needs.